Volume : 5, Issue : 9, SEP 2019
In this paper, the study of India’s Seasonal Kharif and Rabi food crops has been studied for years the year 1967-68 to the year 2016-17 and in this paper the research related to the production and production of Kharif and Rabi food crops of India has been done has gone. Under this, the difference between production and yield of all the years has been studied extensively at intervals of 10 years, as in the year 1967 there was 81.9 Million hectare area under Kharif crops which has decreased in 81.8 hectares in 1976,That means the 0.31 Million hectare area has been reduced. (Khan M.M.)
Similarly in the year 1967 there was a 39.93 million hectare area under Ravi crops, which increased to 43.18 million hectare area has increased. Similarly if both Kharif and rabi crops were seen, in the year 1967 there was a 121.42 million hectare area under both, which has increased to 124.36 million hectares in year 1976,That means 2.94 million hectare area has increased. In the same way, in this research paper the food crops of Kharif and Rabi crops that have come under India from the Year 1976 to the year 2016 have been studied.[Ayyar N P 1961]
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