Volume : 3, Issue : 9, SEP 2017
Background: Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a complex endocrine disorder affecting 8-12% of reproductive aged women, currently recognized as the leading cause of anovulatory infertility. Aim: To study the influence of progressive resistance exercises and yoga asanas on body composition, fasting plasma glucose in polycystic ovarian syndrome Individuals. Methodology: At baseline, recruited polycystic ovarian syndrome individuals have
Aim: To study the influence of progressive resistance exercises and yoga asanas on body composition, fasting plasma glucose in polycystic ovarian syndrome Individuals.
Methodology: At baseline, recruited polycystic ovarian syndrome individuals have underwent a detailed clinical examination as per the attached proforma. A detailed anthropometric assessment including measurement of weight, height and waist circumference are done as part of the clinical assessment. Additionally a body composition analysis was performed on a body composition analyzer of Model N20.They were called in the fasting state for plasma glucose (FPG), by using a one-touch glucometer. Then the individuals were divided randomly into 2 groups: group 1 were trained with PRT and group 2 with yogasanas under supervision for 3 months then the post values of body composition and fasting plasma glucose were collected after completing the study period.
Results: The pre and post experimental mean value, t-test and p values of all the outcomes that is body composition, fasting plasma glucose shows significance (0.05) in both the groups. Conclusion: The present study accepts alternate hypothesis and rejects
Conclusion: The present study accepts alternate hypothesis and rejects null hypothesis. Hence, the study concludes that PRT and yogasana shows a significant improvement in anthropometric changes, body composition and fasting plasma glucose at 0.05 level of significance.
Polycystic Ovary, Progressive Resistance Training, Yogasana, Body Composition, Plasma Glucose.
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