Volume : 7, Issue : 9, SEP 2021




Cerebral palsy (CP) is primarily a neuromotor disorder that affects the development of movement, muscle tone and posture. The underlying pathophysiology is an injury to the developing brain in the prenatal through neonatal period. Although the initial neuropathologic lesion is non-progressive, children with CP may develop a range of secondary conditions over time that wills variably affect their functional abilities.1 Hemiplegia in Infants and children is a type of cerebral palsy that results from damage to the part of hemisphere of the brain that controls muscle movements. This damage may occur before, during or shortly afterbirth.2 The aim of study is to compare the effects of CONSTRAINT INDUCED MOVEMENT THERAPY and NEURODEVELOPMENT THERAPY in patients with Hemiplegic cerebral palsy. It’s a comparative study with 30 subjects was requited with hemiplegic CP. Result illustrates comparison between age of Group A & B. It was found that mean & standard deviation of age in Group A is 8.60 ± 4.067 & for Group B 7.93 ± 3.730 with mean difference of 0.67, with p value p= 0.6436 which is not significant. The groups for Upper Extremity functional Index for Pre mean & S.D for Group A & Group B was 29.00±14.041 & 42.73±18.215 & post mean & SD for Group A & Group B was 40.33±12.882 & 52.87±14.232. Pre & Post mean difference for Upper Extremity Functional Index for both the group was 13.73 & 12.53 & p value was p= 0.028 & p= 0.01 which is significant. Conclusion The study shows that constraint induced movement therapy & neuro developmental therapy improves upper extremity functions & tone, but spastically constraint induced movement therapy give more significantly improvement motor function & tone in Hemiplegic CP.


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