Volume : 3, Issue : 9, SEP 2017
The authors consider the basic operations of implicative algebra for the choice of the logical-algebraic modeling of static converters, provided that the objective and predicate variables are identified with the parameters of the energy and informat ion processes. The possibility of formalizing the problems of synthesizing static converters based on logical-algebraic models, which are reproduced instrumentally in the elemental basis of single-channel relators, is substantiated. Examples of logical-algebraic models of typical energy transformations are given. A generalized logical-algebraic model is proposed that allows one to formalize the procedure for synthesizing a programmable static converter. The examples of the program specification of the type of the electric energy conversion being carried out are given.
Programmable Static Converters, Intelligent Electrical Networks, Implicative Algebra, Logical-Algebraic Modeling, Single-Channel Relators.
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