Volume : 3, Issue : 9, SEP 2017




The purpose behind the Refresher Courses is to improve collegiate education through transmission of knowledge gained through such courses to the students. In order to familiarize with the use of Computers in teaching, participants in each Refresher Course are given hands-on training in preparation and presentation of reports, classroom lectures, spreadsheet and graphics, and on internet use as an aid to teaching resource collection. Teachers working for the cause of Higher Education will have to continuously endeavor to develop their professional skills with a view to providing top class service to their students. The present study is undertaken to find out the Opinion of Resource persons and participants in Refresher courses in Arts. The study on the whole reveals that there is a sound and positive opinions in participants and resource persons towards refresher courses in Arts on the academic staff colleges in North Eastern Region of India.


Opinion, Resource Person, Participants, Refresher Course, ARTs.

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