Volume : 5, Issue : 9, SEP 2019
Affluence is the state of having an abundant supply of money, possessions, commodities, etc. The rich has much wealth and thereby enjoys the warm feeling of affluence. In this world, out of total population, only a fraction is affluent. As such, property is theft. Lavishness is to give or do something generously or excessively. It is good to donate generously, but it is bad to expense extravagantly. Thus if affluence is a blessing, lavishness is a curse. In fact, spending money foolishly or carelessly invites poverty. As such, they say cut your coat according to your cloth. There must be proportion between desire and capacity. It is easy to earn but judicious expenditure is very difficult. Very few people can utilize money properly. A careful survey reveals that a man earns money or gets the chance to earn whatever amount he needs throughout his entire life span, but due to his foolish expenditure he faces financial hardship. Affluence is the yardstick of richness. But all rich cannot and do not spend much money. Generally, rich is always miser. Misery protects the rich from poverty. Rich people die leaving behind not only family but huge amount of money and wealth as well. As such the wives of rich people love their husbands very much. On the contrary poor people die due to the burden of debt. Thus there are two types of people. One makes the successor rich and the other offers poverty to the successors.