Volume : 4, Issue : 9, SEP 2018




The skin-deep charm of the Western civilization hypnotized the Muslim world instantaneously. Nationalism was one of those products imported to the realm of the Muslim politics, which received uncritical credence at the hands of both Muslim academics and laymen alike. Allama Iqbal, the cherished Muslim ideologue, having dug deep into the corpus of the western philosophy, came scathingly out in condemnation of the Western Territorial Nationalism dubbing it a mirage, which had brought the humanity on the brink of annihilation. He was particularly perturbed by the blind aping by the Muslim world of the Western Territorial Nationalism around whose neck Iqbal saw hanging the beads of aggression, imperialism, and atheism. Taking to his poetic shafts he warned the Muslims to guard themselves against this infernal bane. As a substitute for the Western nationalism, he put forward the idea of “Cultural Nationalism” that drew the divine sanction in entirety from the Holy Quran, and the Sunnah. Unlike the western nationalism, which was divorced from the ethical and spiritual elements, and was predicated upon the trivial foundations, the cultural nationalism sought the unification of the mankind on the basis of the loftiest ideal of Islam. Iqbal pleaded passionately for universalism, and a kind of ‘League of the Muslim countries’.


Nationalism, Allama Iqbal, Cultural Nationalism, Ethnicity, Pan-Islamism.

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