Volume : 10, Issue : 11, NOV 2024




Customer satisfaction is crucial in the hospitality industry, particularly in cafes, which serve as social and communal spaces. This study examines customer satisfaction at Djuw Café in Sidoarjo, Indonesia, focusing on factors such as responsiveness, credibility, ease of use, reliability, and convenience. This study utilizes an explorative methodology to gather data through questionnaires distributed over six days to 24 customers. The questionnaires aim to capture perceptions and preferences related to the café experience, assessing each theoretical construct through a Likert scale. By analyzing customer feedback, the study seeks to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement in Djuw Café's service delivery. The majority of loyal customers express very high satisfaction levels with Djuw Café. A significant proportion of respondents rate the café as very satisfactory across responsiveness, credibility, ease of use, reliability, and convenience aspects, indicating a strong overall customer satisfaction level. It implies that understanding customer perceptions and highlights the need for continuous improvement to maintain a competitive edge in a dynamic industry.



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