Volume : 3, Issue : 9, SEP 2017
Teaching at present is a matter of challenge for a teacher, as far as the knowledge imparted is concerned. Today, learner’s are found to be very subjective with little or no insight into the acquisition of knowledge in a classroom transactions. If the students were to make well acquainted with the knowledge gained and with experiences in a real life situations then a teacher must know the pros and cons of teaching in order to stimulate and to make learners independent. In this paper an attempt has been made to highlight the importance of reflective teaching. It is a well known fact that, Classroom teaching practice is an intensely dynamic and complex process and is hard to meet the challenges where differences in learner exists in a classroom. It has therefore, became very imperative to maximize the students’ benefits from teaching at the reflective level in a classroom. Reflective teaching can play a vital role in helping teachers and students, well in creating conducive environment and also to deal with teaching and learning better. To determine the importance of teaching at reflective level, the descriptive method was used. The study was done using secondary sources to collect and assimilate the information describe below.
Teaching, learning, Reflective Level.
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