Volume : 3, Issue : 12, DEC 2017




The paper shows results obtained from a qualitative research implemented in Romania by the research team of the University of Pite?ti involved in the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project “SciFUN: Making Learning Science Fun”. The purpose of this research was to obtain valid inputs on how science lessons should be designed and what they should contain thus to become more appealing to students, to raise students’ interest. The researched aimed at collecting realistic opinions upon the research topics (designing learning activities to enhance (1) students’ intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and achievement in science education; (2) their competence and efficacy beliefs; (3) their social interaction and motivation) from teachers and educationalists. The research was achieved in July – September 2016, through Literature Review and Focus Group organized with 5 science teachers who are involved or connected to science education and teach to students aged 9 to 15. The mains results from the Literature Review have been synthesized as practical guidelines-tips for teachers and samples of innovative teaching activities. The Focus Group revealed which are the motivational disciplines for students, the activities relevant to the needs and settings of students, teachers and schools and some recommendations for getting students closer to the mysteries of world and life. The research concluded that outdoor activities and experimental lessons are preferred by students instead of theoretical and traditional ones, games and competitions can make lessons more attractive and motivational and that ICT and Web 2.0 technologies could replace the lack of laboratory facilities, providing high-tech experiments.


Science Education; Motivation; Web2.0 Technologies.

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