Volume : 5, Issue : 1, JAN 2019
In the 21st century, teacher instead of being restricting himself to enhance the knowledge of his subject matter has to be an expert in various teaching skills. He has to manage instructional environment, arouse interest of students in learning and coordinate different types of information. More and more efforts are being made to upgrade the teaching competence of student teachers. This study was carried out to examine the use of self derived feedback from one’s video recording (video-self feedback) in improving teaching expertise. The effect of video-self feedback on development of five microteaching skills among student teacher was explored. The pre-test and post-test scores of teaching competence of student teachers were converted into stanine scores, to ascertain the change in the level of performance of the student teachers. The stanine scale showed that ten percent of the student teachers move from average to high performance category. The t-test results suggested that there exists significant effect of video-self feedback in improving the general teaching competence of student teachers. These results were further validated by z-test results.
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