Volume : 5, Issue : 7, JUL 2019




Badminton is considered as one of the most popular sports over the world, in which two or four opposing players strike the shuttlecock over a dividing net between them to score a point. Badminton players need to conduct various movement patterns during the game including specialized twists, jumps, footwork and strike the shuttle cock and to keep it back and forth in the court. Hence, balance has its dynamicity in badminton. Core stability in athletic setting is defined as the optimum production, which can transfer and control the force from the centre of body to the limbs, through stabilisation of the position and motion of torso. Suryanamaskara called sun salutation is an integral part of yogic approach. it consists of a sequence of 12 yoga postures, which are organised in a specific pattern, each posture counteracting the preceding one producing a balance between flexion and extension, performed with synchronized breathing and aerobic activity. Balance is an important aspect of everyday life, especially for badminton players so it is imperative to find programs useful for maintaining or improving proper balance. There have been studies in the past demonstrating significant cardiorespiratory, musculoskeletal and metabolic health benefits of core stability and suryanamaskara but there were no comparative studies. Hence, this study is done to compare the effects of core stability exercises and suryanamaskara on balance in badminton players. This study is a two way experimental study without control group conducted in the department of physiotherapy, SVIMS and the department of physical education S V University. A total 60 subjects were included in the study and were randomly allocated into two groupsi.e; suryanamaskara group and core stability group. Baseline values of SEBT were measured for all the subjects. Protocol is started and followed up for a period of 8 weeks. At the end of the 8 weeks, balance was re assessed by SEBT. After the analysis, the results revealed significant improvement in balance by using star excursion balance test in both the groups (p < 0.01). The subjects of core stability group showed significant results when compared with suryanamaskara group. Hence the study concluded that core stability exercises was more significant than suryanamaskara group in the improvement of balance.



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