Volume : 5, Issue : 3, MAR 2019




Background: Osteoarthritis is defined as a heterogeneous group of conditions that lead to major public health problems that causes functional impairment and reduced quality of life. Objectives: To find out the effectiveness of Maitland mobilization and Mulligan mobilization with movement on muscular strength by Iso-kinetic analyzer, and functional performance by knee injury and osteoarthritis outcome scale (KOOS). Method: 40 female subjects were randomly assigned into Maitland mobilizations and mulligan mobilization with movement along with conventional therapy for 3sessions per week for 6 weeks. Patients were evaluated of KOOS and Peak torque of knee extensors by Isokinetic were measured at pre , 3rd week and 6th week of treatment. Results: KOOS shows statistically significant (p<0.05) improvement in 2 groups. In right Knee extension at 30 degrees shows highly significant (p<0.01) between the groups, but left KE at 30 degrees shows insignificant Conclusion: The present randomized control trial has investigated the effectiveness of Maitland mobilization and mulligan MWM along with conventional therapy on pain, symptoms, ADL, QOL, sports and recreations, and peak torque of the quadriceps in female subjects with knee osteoarthritis. The study shows improvement in both groups but Mulligan mobilization MWM is more effective than Maitland mobilization. Thus, this study concludes that the Mulligan’s MWM is more effective in treating the subjects with knee OA.



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