Volume : 8, Issue : 5, MAY 2022




During the coronavirus era, the experience of losing family, which is inherently one of the most distressing experiences in a person's life, has evolved into a new idea and struggle for survivors. Pandemics appear to entail many losses, both directly connected to death and in terms of disruption to social norms, rituals, and grieving customs, according to the research study. This has an impact on a person's ability to connect with the deceased both before and after death, thereby raising the likelihood of death anxiety.

AIM: Comparative study in the level of Death anxiety in families going through bereavement due to death by Covid-19 and non-Covid deaths.

METHODS: The researcher used quota sampling for the data collection; Data were collected online by the help of Google form by the help of Ex post facto research design using quota-sampling method. A sample of 60, 30 COVID death affected families and 30 individuals who were grieving Non-Covid deaths of age group 20 to 55 years was selected for present research with the help of Death Anxiety Scale constructed by Dr. Upinder Dhar, Dr.Savita Mehta, Dr. Santosh Dhar.

STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES: Data was analyzed with the help of t-test. The statistical analysis of the research study was carried out by comparing the affected family members of death due to Covid and Non-Covid deaths.

RESULT: The calculated t-value exceeds the critical value. By conventional criteria, this difference is considered to be statistically extremely significant. Hence, the null hypothesis was rejected. Thus the result reveals that the families affected by Covid deaths have higher death anxiety than individuals who have been grieving Non-Covid related deaths. So it can be concluded that individuals from families who have suffered Covid related death are in constant fear of death because they have seen their loved one suffering and dying due to Covid while the individuals grieving Non-Covid deaths are not directly affected by fatal experiences of Covid so they have significantly lower fear of death due to COVID.

CONCLUSION: In conclusion, the findings of the obtained quantitative data by the help of experimental research on the "Level of Death anxiety in families going through bereavement due to death by Covid-19 and non Covid deaths." researcher examined that families going through bereavement due to death by Covid-19 have greater death anxiety than the families going through bereavement by non Covid deaths.



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