Volume : 5, Issue : 9, SEP 2019
Adolescents are considered to be active agents in making India as a skilling and transforming India. They play vital role in bringing about sustainable society in the light of school and higher education, technology driven environment, knowledge driven economy, employability and entrepreneurship through their creative and reflective potentialities. But, some of the adolescents are projecting on disruptive, impulsive, and antisocial behaviours. They are deviating from the qualitative productivity as well as value oriented behaviour. Thus, it is highly needed to make them active icons in learning to know, learning to do, learning to be, learning to become and learning to live together for quality life and complete wellbeing. It is necessary to uplift their innate and acquired abilities in the direction of peaceful and prosperous life. It is profound fact that Life Skill Education will strengthen their intra personal and inter personal skills. Life Skill Education stimulates them towards rational and responsible behaviour. The present paper focuses on conscious, critical and thoughtful dialogues on life skill education for adolescents. It also touches on rationale and various types of life skills, reflective and insightful thoughts on life skill education for adolescents.
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