Volume : 8, Issue : 5, MAY 2022




The study explore of the ICT facilities available and uses among secondary school students. ICT facilities can help students to do assignment, research, meet friends and involves other social activities in academic environment or community. The survey and descriptive method of research have been used for the study. The population selected for the present research work comprises of Secondary School students of IX and X standards of Aligarh district. Actual total sample was collected 360, but 10 sample was rejected due to not proper response of the students. The sample extracted out of this population consist of a total number of 350 students, among them boys 190 and girls 160, also government school 190 and non-government school 160 are  selected from four schools of Aligarh town. The researcher used a three point scale in questionnaire i.e. “availability of ICT facilities” for the purpose of data collection. The result was found among boys ‘Yes’ mode response (49.96%), ‘No’ mode response (44.17%) and ‘Ud’ mode response (5.86%); among girls ‘Yes’ mode response (60.71%) ‘No’ mode response (34.61%), and ‘Ud’ (3.88%). Then the result was also found among government school students ‘Yes’ mode response (60.33%), ‘No’ mode response (33.65%) & ‘Ud’ mode response (5.82%)and among non-government school students ‘Yes’ mode response (48.39%),  ‘No’ mode response (47.68%) & ‘Ud’ mode response (3.93%).



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