Volume : 10, Issue : 11, NOV 2024




Literature review is a very important aspect of research as it helps us to analyze the problem in hand and give us a rough idea of the probable results. This study aims at understanding the variables emotional intelligence, study- habit and socio-economic status and how they affect the academic achievement of the students worldwide. The researcher has tried to include studies in the nation as well as abroad to understand the traits of the students all over the world. The values of Pearson’s coefficient of correlation in each case has been taken into account and the researcher has tried to find out the percentages of positive, negative or no correlation with the above mentioned variables and academic achievement. It has been observed that emotional intelligence has a cent percent positive correlation with academic achievement, while study habits and socio-economic status reports negative and no correlation along with positive correlation with academic achievement. It can be said without a doubt that these three variables are definite effectors of academic achievement.



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