Volume : 9, Issue : 12, DEC 2023




Utilization of forest resources should be done with utmost dedication to aligning with government and other stakeholders' regulations and policies on forest exploitation. With sustainable management, forests can provide a perpetual stream of income and subsistence products, while supporting other economic activities in Nigeria. Multi-stage sampling technique was used in selecting respondents while data were obtained from 340 respondents using interview schedule. Descriptive statistical tools used were frequency counts, percentages and weighted mean score (WMS) to analyze the collected data. Results revealed that both male and female engage in forest resources utilization with a mean age of 51.1 years; mean years of 21.3, mean of 7 household members in the study area with majority being literate with a mean of 10.0 years spent in school. Enlightenment of rural dwellers about the benefit accrue in conservation of forest areas and Provision of improved welfare schemes for forest workers were indicated by all the respondents as sustainable practices known by them that could enhance the sustainability of the forest and the resources in it. Bribe collection by forest guards, deforestation without aforestation ,lack of technical know-how on modern sustainable techniques by rural households and instability of government policies on forest resources were major problems that hinder the adherence to the sustainable practices to ensure continuous availability of forest resources. This study established that forest resources are a dominant resources available for utilization in the Southwestern part of Nigeria and rural dwellers are aware of various sustainable practices that could ensure the continuous availability and prevention of extinction of the resources for human use in the region though they still encounter problems that hinder the utilization of the known sustainable practices. It is therefore recommended that, welfare package for forest workers should be of utmost priority with hazard allowance that will serve as a relief package for the workers as this expected to make them desist from bribe collection and other sharp practices.



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